Help and Support
Want to report an issue with your broadband? Report a problem with your service if you can online elsewhere, or give us a call.
Before you do, we recommend following the troubleshooting advice on this page. You might be able to fix the problem yourself.
1. How to troubleshoot the problem
Tracking down the cause of a dropping connection can be difficult. They can be caused by line faults, a problem with your equipment or something external to your property.
If your broadband drops a lot, your line speed will automatically be reduced. This is a temporary measure to try and stabilise the connection, once the cause of the dropping is found and fixed, your line speed will return to normal.
Make sure your telephone line is working
You'll see problems with your broadband if the telephone line isn't working properly. Pick up a telephone handset and check for a dial tone:
- If the line is noisy or you can't hear a dial tone: Report the problem to your telephone provider - if that's us, go to the Telephone troubleshooting guide
- If the line sounds clear and I can hear a dial tone: Check that your microfilters are fitted correctly
Check that your microfilters are fitted correctly
Broadband shares the line with your telephone service. Microfilters separate the signals and prevent one from interfering with the other. Anything connected to your line needs to pass through a microfilter. If you need help with this, our Fitting microfilters guide will show you how to set them up properly.
If you're happy that your microfilters are fitted correctly, connect your broadband to the master socket.
Connect your broadband to the master socket
You should find the master socket close to the point where the telephone line enters your property. If don't know what it should look like, please see our BT master socket guide.
Unplug everything from your line (including set-top boxes, other telephones and all microfilters) and connect your router to the master socket through one microfilter.
- It's stopped dropping: Either your extension wiring or something connected to your line is causing the problem. Find out which by checking after plugging each piece of equipment back in. Try replacing your microfilter(s) if you can't find the culprit
- It's still dropping: Try a different router
Try a different router
If you can, try a different router or modem on your line.
- It's stopped dropping: Your current router is faulty and needs replacing, if you got it from us in the last 12 months, contact us for a replacement, at no cost
- It's still dropping: Your current router is fine, please report a problem with your service to fix the issue or give us a call
2. I've fixed the problem but now my broadband's slow?
Don't worry, it's normal to see a temporary drop in speed after a broadband problem is fixed. It can take up to three days for your speeds return to normal.
If your speeds don't increase after 2-3 days, take a look at our Slow speeds guide.
Having problems with your broadband connection?
Report a problem with your service. It's faster by text.
Service Status
For full details of our current issues or any maintenance work that could be affecting your service please visit our Service Status site.
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